petak, 14. kolovoza 2015.


Ginat tune - Fishing around tuna breeding sites

The tuna fishing season begins no longer in July (the 7th month), but shortly after New Year - in February (2nd month). The season continues the whole year, except for the month of June (6th month), but then it´s a great time for catching smaller specimens, either by trolling method or with line and hook. In fact, there is no end of season, as for instance even the month of December in 2011 (12th month) has been absolutely excellent, even incredible.

- fishing around tuna breeding sites (specimens with an average weight of 180 kg are caught, and often these specimens weigh from 200 to 300 kg)

It is a fact that there are several tuna breeding sites on the Adriatic. These sites are in fact floating cages in the sea, where tunas are fed, and after they gain an appropriate size, the fish is exported to Japan. Free-living tunas attracted by the large amount of food the tuna in the breeding cages are fed with, gather around the cages. This is a safe position because of the large number of tuna that appear there, and that means the chance for a catch is immense. But this is not the only reason why you should take your chance around these cages. GREAT TUNAS of a seize of 250 to 400 and even 500 kg are swimming around the cages as well.

This is the ultimate challenge and rush of adrenaline that even involves some risks and dangers. Unfortunately, a lot of fish is getting dropped while being fought, wrapping around the anchor ropes that hold the cages at the surface.

Nevertheless, the team "BAKUL" team caught the three biggest caught fish until now (263 kg, 272 kg and 298 kg), caught with the rod in the Adriatic Sea in the last 7 years.

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