ponedjeljak, 13. srpnja 2015.


"Our Lady's shrine dedicated to the Immaculate Conception,
Feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated in Prizidnice 308 years before
began to celebrate in Lourdes, and 308 years before the church was declared a dogma of Immaculate Conception. "
On the south side of Ciovo Island, in Prizidnica, among the steep cliffs above the sea, nearly five centuries ago the church of Our Lady of Prizdinica was built. Above the door of the church in the wall are two stone tablets, and the older one witnesses about the history of the sanctuary.
"The priest Juraj Stoidražić came into this wilderness, and built this temple in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, 1546 god."
Next to the church, in the humble dwellings, "the wall", withdrawn from the world, have settled priests hermits, spending a life of prayer and penance.
Until the mid 19th century, continuous or intermittent short lived Glagolitic monks, and priests of the Latin ritual language.
The church was decorated with a painting of Our Lady of grace, which is holding Jesus. Picture of grace of Our Lady dates from 14th century by the famous art school on the island of Crete.
Our Lady of Prizidnica is first mentioned in 1750th year for an official visit to the Shrine Archbishop Pacific Bizz.
"The Church has recently re-built and well built to have an altar, and this is a piece of marble, with two pillars and a picture of Mandolata Blessed Virgin painted by a good artist, Byzantine art, good enough obskrbljen accessories .....".

1928. decision was taken to Our Lady's shrine in Prizidnica regularly manages priest from village Slatina
Special care for the sanctuary and all his assets take care by the families Nakir, "..... that are already in a document from the 1857th listed as farm laborers of the main sanctuary of this ....
This pilgrimage to the shrine four times a year:

On Easter Monday, in the name of Mary (the first Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lady)
On Spiritual Monday, the Lady of the Immaculate Conception, 8th December.

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